We have the answers to all your pressing questions right here.

What are the bus routes?
You can find a complete list of bus routes by Clicking Here
How to get onto Focus?
To learn more about Focus, create an account, add a student, or recover your password click here
You can watch a video here that will walk you through the registration process.
Are you ready to register? Just click here to start the process.
Are you just looking to log into your account? Click here
Do you take credit cards?
Yes we do.
What are the fees for each grade level?
6th Grade: $75
7th Grade: $60
8th Grade: $60
Can I pay the school year entry fees online?
School year entry fees can be paid by Clicking Here
Where do I find the sports calendar?
You can find team schedules and a whole lot more right here.
Where do I find the school handbook/policies?
You can find the Sebastian Charter Junior High handbook by clicking here
What is the lottery process?
You can learn all of the details about our lottery policy by clicking here.